Matters of Golf Performance

The blog for all matters golf performance

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Correct Ball Striking Intentions

Upon learning the game it would seem fairly instinctive to lift the ball from underneath .A lot is made of weight transition but the reason why a beginner may stay on their back foot is their intentions to lift the ball up into the air. It is also for this reason that the same novice has a breakdown of the wrist and arm structure coming into the ball. You Tube video from John Dunigan


Not until we understand the correct motion of the club into the ball can we create a solid and reliable movement. So what is the correct striking motion of the club?
The club travels in a circular arc that needs to bottom out in the right place. That equation is the key to quality striking. The club's arc should bottom out some 2-4" past the ball. This means of course that the ball is being struck on the downward part of the arc with the divot starting 1-2" past the ball..

This video I've grabbed from You Tube (gyddor) explains it well. I like the drill too. It will condition better intentions into the ball.

It is fairly common advice to 'hit down' on the ball but the important thing is not to strike down in the ground but to control where the club arc bottoms out in relation to the ball.
Key aspects of the swing that allow us to develop this skill are keeping a constant swing radius and moving the weight correctly. (To be discussed in future posts.)
Until then, have a look at this impact in slow motion. The divot starts 2" after the ball and the arc bottoms out just after that.(You Tube video by knaapjen)

To be continued...

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